Building from source

Before attempting to build the extension, make sure the SAP NW RFC library is installed and the library is in the path.

See Installing the SAP NW RFC library for instructions.

Building on Linux

$ git clone php-sapnwrfc
$ cd php-sapnwrfc
$ phpize
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

The build script looks for the SAP NW RFC library in the following locations by default:


If you installed the library in another location, replace the ./configure step above with ./configure --with-sapnwrfc=/path/to/rfc-library.

Building on Windows

To build PHP 8+ for Windows, you need Visual Studio 2019 or the Visual Studio 2019 Build Tools. The workload Desktop development with C++ must be installed.

The process of building PHP and extensions on Windows is detailed in the PHP Wiki.

The build process described below follows the steps in Building PECL extensions with phpize and assumes you have PHP already installed on your system.

If you need to compile PHP itself, follow instructions from Build your own PHP on Windows.

For this guide, we assume

  • we want to build the extension for PHP 8.3.7,

  • PHP 8.3.7 is installed at C:\php

  • the SAP NW RFC library is in C:\nwrfcsdk and PATH is configured correctly.

  • Our working directory is C:\workspace.

Set up a build environment

Follow the steps to set up a build enviroment as described here.

First, open a command line (cmd.exe).

Change to C:\workspace and fetch the latest stable PHP SDK tag:

$ git clone php-sdk
$ cd php-sdk

Now execute the starter script for the build environment:

$ phpsdk-vs16-x64.bat

All commands described from here on must be executed in the shell configured by the above command.

Building the extension using phpize

First, download the development package which corresponds to your pre-built PHP version and variant from

In our case, we download PHP 8.3.7 -> VS16 x64 Non Thread Safe -> Development package (SDK to develop PHP extensions)

Unpack the development package to C:\workspace\php-8.3.7-devel-vs16-x64.

Now add the development package to the path:

$ set PATH=%PATH%;C:\workspace\php-8.3.7-devel-vs16-x64

Download and unpack or clone the source of the extension into C:\workspace:

$ cd C:\workspace
$ git clone php-sapnwrfc

Change to the extension’s source directory and invoke phpize and configure, passing the path to the installed PHP and the SAP NW RFC library:

$ cd php-sapnwrfc
$ phpize
$ configure --with-prefix=C:\php --with-sapnwrfc=C:\nwrfcsdk

Make sure the output of the configure command includes the following:

Enabled extensions:
| Extension | Mode   |
| sapnwrfc  | shared |

Now build the extension:

$ nmake

The above command’s output should include EXT sapnwrfc build complete near the end.

The build artifacts are located in x64\Release (or one of the release directories depending on your build).

Running tests

After a successful build, you are encouraged to run tests:

$ nmake test

If running the tests fails with reason: sapnwrfc extension not loaded and the output includes an error similar to the one shown below, you have either not correctly configured the path or you have a mismatch between ZTS and NTS versions:

Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\\workspace\\php-sapnwrfc\\x64\\Release\\php_sapnwrfc.dll' (tried: C:\\workspace\\php-sapnwrfc\\x64\\Release\\php_sapnwrfc.dll (The specified module could not be found), C:\php\ext\php_C:\\workspace\\php-sapnwrfc\\x64\\Release\\php_sapnwrfc.dll.dll (The specified module could not be found)) in Unknown on line 0

You can update the path temporarily to make the tests run with the following command:

$ set PATH=%PATH%;C:\nwrfcsdk\lib